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How to Reboot After Disappointment at Work
"You might experience disappointment at work in many ways: a long-term project does not come to fruition, a new position opens up and you don’t get it, or your hard work does not pay off. Faced with a sense of loss and disappointment, we have no choice but to respond." Greater Good Magazine outlines three practices with relevant research that can personally alchemize a setback into possibili... posted on Apr 03 2024, 3,777 reads


How Sisterly Love Transformed a Brothel in Delhi
Fresh out of her university studies, Gitanjali Babbar embarked on a two-year fellowship that had her conducting health surveys with women in Delhi's red light district. Struck by the raw humanity she encountered in the brothel workers, Gitanjali began visiting the women in her free time, sharing meals and listening to stories from their harrowing life journeys, where they were often trafficked at ... posted on Apr 01 2024, 2,536 reads


When Melodies Unlock Memory Reservoirs
Candy Cohn often would speak with her late mother, Lillian, in English, with a few words here and there in Yiddish. Then, one day, Lillian "started singing a beautiful Yiddish love song called Sheyn Vi Di Levone. 'I'd never heard her sing it. I never heard her play it. The look on her face and the joy. I hadn't seen that in her in a long time,'" Candy Cohn described to WLRN Public Radio. ... posted on Mar 31 2024, 1,154 reads


Transforming Stress into Self-Identity
Ever noticed how your 'stress' becomes who 'you' are? This intriguing characteristic suggests that unresolved emotions get stored in our physical and emotional bodies; and, over time, these built-up residues create a 'state'. This state, if sustained, soon morphs into our identity, becoming our new 'normal'. We start identifying ourselves with these states, for instance, 'I am an anxious person', ... posted on Mar 30 2024, 2,112 reads


What Emotions Can Teach Us
Susan David and Adam Grant dialogue on pitfalls against toxic positivity, and instead give tips on how to reconnect with all emotions to stay true to ourselves while growing from them. It is a fine line between running away from emotions and fusing with them. But there is a path, accessible to anyone. Being avoidant of difficult emotions disconnects us from ourselves and from others affecting our ... posted on Mar 28 2024, 309 reads


Author Drops Everything To Visit Bronx Students
Tommy Orange, author of There There, dropped everything amidst an active book tour to visit a Bronx high school class. Their teacher, Rick Ouimet, had written an impassioned email invitation, sharing how deeply transformative the book had been for his students. "It’s not often that an author walks into a room full of readers, let alone teenagers, who talk about characters born in hi... posted on Mar 27 2024, 1,872 reads


Defining World Happiness
Each year, the World Happiness Report ranks 146 countries by their level of happiness. Scandinavian countries are usually found at the top of the ranks, while war-torn or deeply impoverished countries are generally at the bottom. In recent years, psychologists have been looking at how cultural bias affects these rankings. ... posted on Mar 26 2024, 1,124 reads


Never Too Late: Becoming a World Champion at 40
Deanna Stellato-Dudek, a retired figure skater, made history at the ripe athletic age of 40, becoming the oldest woman ever to win a World Figure Skating Championship. After a series of injuries pushed her to retire from skating at the age of 17 in 2001, Stellato-Dudek went on with her life -- becoming a successful aesthetician and getting married. The unfinished saga of her athletic journey, thou... posted on Mar 25 2024, 1,100 reads


Hug Therapy Revolution in Argentina
Welcome to the world of hug therapy, where Irma Castro and her volunteer squad are making strides in neonatal care in Córdoba, Argentina. Part of a public maternity hospital initiative, these 'huggers' offer their warmth and touch to premature and underweight babies, whose mothers may be absent due to countless circumstances. From aiding neurodevelopment to stimulating weight gain, the powe... posted on Mar 24 2024, 1,437 reads


On Persistence: Conversation with Jerry Barrish
"I'd just gotten out of the Army and when I came home, I was looking for work. My father, who was a boxer, knew Mickey Cohen. And when Cohen got out of Alcatraz, there was a big party at the Fairmont Hotel. Jerry was there with his dad and ended up sitting next to the bail bondsman who'd bailed Cohen out. You should get into the bail bonds business," he told Jerry. "I was 22 years old. I didn't ha... posted on Mar 23 2024, 1,517 reads


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What an extraordinary way the reed pen has of drinking darkness and pouring out light!
Abu Hafs Ibn Burd Al-Asghar

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